“Everyone is an artist, until rent is due” they say. I think making art is a huge privilege available to only a small number of people. I don’t believe artists deserve to go shopping via private jet, while the rest of us are barely able to get by. I’d rather see those people having day jobs.

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I think artists deserve to make an honest living from their art. 99% of artists are not living lavish lifestyles, only the top 1% (e.g., Taylor Swift) are living like that. In fact, most artists DO have day jobs as you describe. Making art should not be a privilege that only a few get to do; that's how you end up with only rich cis white guys making stuff, which leads to categorically worse art.

Re: "while the rest of us are barely able to get by"... I think we should reform our economy so that everyone can get by. We can all win! 🙌🏻

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